Sunday, August 14, 2011

From This to That: Cinnamon-Apple Walnut Bran Muffins

Crispin apples just picked from my apple tree, whole wheat, cinnamon chips, walnuts in the shell. I shelled the walnuts, milled the wheat, ground the chips into cinnamon powder, made the apples into apple sauce. Then, with a little sugar, melted butter, eggs, salt, baking powder and soda, and some bran sifted out of the last batch of home-milled whole-wheat flour, I made cinnamon-apple walnut bran muffins.

The muffin top is cracked like a good gingersnap, with crisp edges that remind one of spiced oatmeal cookies. The texture of the home-milled whole-wheat muffin is astonishingly soft and tender. You've never had a more delicate, velvety bran muffin in your life. I used the finest setting on the grain mill, and the bran I sifted out of the last batch is made up of much smaller particles than store-bought bran. I used about 1/2 cup of extra bran, stirred in a few tablespoons of water and let it soften for 15 minutes before I mixed and baked the muffins.

If anyone is interested, I'll put together a full description and recipe.

1 comment:

  1. That muffin looks wonderful. So much so, that I keep wanting to pluck it right out of the screen and devour it.
